• The Medicare market will continue to explode over the next 15 years!  
  • The number of newly Medicare eligibles  is projected to rise 67% over the next 15 years from over  million to over 5 million.
  • Everyone who turns 65 MUST buy a prescription drug program or face a penalty that has no limit
  • Only 32% of Texas seniors have a Medicare advantage plan or a supplement
  • Offer a health insurance product that has 0 premiums, 0 medical deductible, covers prescription drugs, covers most health problems, and meets the PDP mandate for 100% of your market!
  • $200- $400 front end commission plus fantastic residuals FOR AS LONG AS THE POLICY IS IN FORCE AND YOU MAINTAIN YOUR CREDENTIALS. (That means a new to Medicare policy in force for 5 years will net you $1200.) 
  • No servicing of Claims - taking time from earning money

Why Add Senior Products to your Portfolio?

Call now to join our team:  254.498.8683

Earn new business as well as renewal commissions. Renewal commissions are earned in each year following the initial sale where a customer continues to pay their premium. It is like selling a car and getting paid every time a customer pays their bill. A six-figure residual income is within reach for hard working agents in year three.

The above illustration is based solely on renewal commissions on 2, 3, and 5 apps per week.  It does not include any of your current year commissions.

Please call or email me with a convenient time to contact you.